Terms and Conditions

Welcome to betterandhealthy.com ! By using our website, you agree to these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully. If you don’t agree with any part, please don’t use the website.

Use of Content

All content on betterandhealthy.com is for informational purposes. You’re free to read, but you cannot copy or use it without permission. The content is owned by us unless stated otherwise.

User Behavior
By using the site, you agree to:
Use the site only for legal purposes.
Avoid posting offensive or harmful content.

Not interfere with the site’s performance or security.


You may leave comments, but they must be respectful and lawful. We can remove any comment if it doesn’t meet our guidelines or the law.

Third-Party Links

We may link to other websites, but we’re not responsible for their content or privacy policies. Use third-party links at your own risk.

Limitation of Liability

We are not responsible for any damages or losses related to your use of the site. Use it at your own risk.


We may stop or suspend your access to the website if you violate these terms.

Changes to Terms

We may change these terms at any time. Please review this page regularly. Your continued use of the site means you accept any updated terms.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at:

Email: secureblogmakers@gmail.com
Website: betterandhealthy.com
Better & Healthy Inc.
2317 Oakwood Business Plaza
Suite 500
Houston, TX 77002
United States